Color Me Red! (Lens-Artists #135 “A Glimpse into My World”)


Here in the depth of winter the Lens-Artists theme is “GLIMPSE INTO MY WORLD”.  In the midst of all that is black and white around here I use this time to spice up everything in my world with my favorite color—red! Ahhh … a winter break from black and white!


Here we enjoy an absolutely gorgeous, slow autumn. Then after the leaves fall, it’s Christmas, another season where red is a standout. How wonderful the festive colors of the season spruce up and lift our spirits. Fun!

But it pained me to take down the beautiful reds of the decor.


However, to continue the journey through the bleak days of winter around here, Nandina bushes grace many yards. Green in the warm weather, they slowly transform to burnished, bright reds in the winter. And stay that way until spring, when they return to lush green.


Even more, when there’s ice or snow, this happens. The vibrant, red leaves glisten as the ice completely envelopes them, dripping like stunning jewels. Breathtaking!


And while we’re onto reds around here, another brush of red continually draws my eye through my kitchen window. After juggling the camera and ten pictures later I found this one deemed worthy. 🙂


I love all vibrant colors but red always turns my head.

From barns,


to cars,


to mums,

Magnificent Mums

to roses,


to my four-wheeler. 🙂

Capture the Mooon

I’ve even splashed it on a few walls in my home,

Christmas Gift Suggestions

and it graces my front  door. 🙂

Welcome Closer

So if you come around here, you’ll see pops of red everywhere! It’s a “country home”, all wood, and plaids, pillows, and throws. I can’t help but share the following quote:

“I’m in love with red. I think it’s such a passionate color. Every flag of every country pretty much has red in it. It’s power. There’s no fence-sitting with red. Either you love it or you don’t. I think it’s blood and strength and life. I do love red.” ~ Brian Batt 

I’m no psychoanalyst, but maybe this is why I love red.
And before I close, I can’t overlook one of the ice-enveloped leaves glistening in the shape of a beautiful heart!

Fire and Ice

So, while I’m at it, Happy Valentines! 🙂 (Another winter red holiday!)

Midwinter's Night Dream

“Nature always wears the colors of the spirit.” ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Every since WordPress closed its Weekly Photo Challenge, a group of passionate photographers began Lens-Artists. Every week there is a theme hosted by one of the founders of this group, and several guest hosts. This week’s host is Sheetalbravon, a photo blogger from India. We add a link to the photographer who hosts that week. Here is her very interesting blog post for Lens Artists using the theme “Glimpse Into Your World”. I learned a lot.

I’ve given you a small glimpse into my world and I hope you enjoy! Peace, Alexandria

Lens – Artists Challenge #135: Glimpse into your world. – Sheetalbravon (

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  1. I especially like red in winter against winter white or winter brown. Beautiful shots. What is that bush? I want one…

    • The bush is called Nandina. Green in spring/summer. Brushed red in winter depending on sunlight. It’s beautiful. Not too big, not too small. Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Love this vibrant gallery! The red leaves and icicles are so beautiful. 🙂

  3. Bravo! Your photos are vibrant, dynamic and eye catching. Keep up the great work. Thank you for sharing. 🙂

  4. What a beautiful set of shots Alexandria. Must admit I’m not much of a Red fan – perhaps because it looks awful on me. But I do love a gorgeous rose now and then! And love your banner too. Happy Valentine’s Day to you!

    • Thanks, Tina. Yes, I am a red fan but it has to be red with blue undertones. I feel the opposite about the “orange” reds. Unless they’re in nature, of course! Thanks for stopping by!

  5. What a gorgeous, colourful life in the middle of winter! Love those icy red leaves especially! 🙂

  6. Oops, I meant to say “lift,” but maybe “life” is an appropriate typo after all. 🙂

  7. Anonymous

     /  June 12, 2016

    Amazing images! That first one, with the ice hanging from the intense red leaves, that’s my favorite.

    • Thank you. The first photo is a favorite of mine as well. We’d experienced an unexpected and severe snow/ice storm that day. As I was walking down the sidewalk the bushes caught my eye and I knew the ice would melt quick. I was glad to have the camera handy for these shots. Spontaneous and unplanned, the moment came and went much too fast!
      Thank you for the stopping by and taking the time to comment. Come again soon. 🙂

  8. Alexandria, how nice to see your name pop up! Believe it or not I actually remembered your door wreath, which caused me to do some searching as sure enough I’d seen it before. Loved the revisit and especially loved your still-beautiful reds. Those red leaves with the ice on them are magical!

    • Well, after some computer woes and family health issues resolved, I hope to resume blogging. Yes, I have used that wreath—a few times, I think! I actually wanted to use this post for the “Red” one awhile back! I’m pretty behind on working on new DSLR photos. Very glad for all the updated equipment!

  9. Alexandria, you had me hooked at red! The pictures are outstanding, there is no fence sitting here except to choose a favourite which you make it impossible. I mean the ice encased leaves , the decorations , even the red bird is simply stunning . I’m reminded of The Beatles, ‘Here comes the sun’, I feel all warm and red . Fabulous pictures and an awesome post !

  10. Wonderful gallery 👌🏻👍🏻

  11. Hi, Alexandria. I’m glad you joined us and shared all your beautiful, vibrant reds with us. Red is such a warm, happy color.

  12. I love red as well, both to wear, to decorate and to drive. Your post is a perfect match for Writer’s Quotes Wednesdays, too. Frank at Beach Reflections is hosting it this week. If you get a chance and want to post your link in his comment box, we’d both be honored.

  13. I loved the Autumnal and icy reds 🙂 🙂

  14. Red is such a beautiful color and you captured it very well. Love the plants, but you also captured my favorite – a cardinal with a background of snow. For me, the only thing missing is the red of tango. … and thanks for pasting the URL as per Marsha’s request. 🙂

  15. Most welcome

  16. Love your icy red pieces, Alexandria! Cheers me up really – ice we have, but you add the marvelous red! Unfortunately I cannot wear red, but love it in flowers and decorations.

  17. Wow. Great photos. I’m seeing RED! Well done.

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