Comfort in Curves

“There is something particularly special and personal about the circle and how its curves comfortably rule every aspect of our lives.” ~ Kat Kahr, Parallelism of Cyclicality

“The next best thing to being wise oneself is to live in a circle of those who are” ~  C. S. Lewis

“Everything that slows us down and forces patience, everything that sets us back into the slow circles of nature, is a help. Gardening is an instrument of grace.” ~ May Sarton

“The world is round so that friendship may encircle it” ~ Pierre tielhard de chardin

“A circle may be small, yet it may be as mathematically beautiful and perfect as a large one.” ~ Isaac d’israeli

“The eye is the first circle; the horizon which it forms is the second; and throughout nature this primary figure is repeated without end.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

“Love doesn’t make the world go round; love makes the ride worthwhile” ~ Franklin P Jones

“Our task must be to free ourselves by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and its beauty.” ~ Albert Einstein

We all wish our life paths were straight and determined. We line up our goals with columned bullet points. We want to go from point A to point B. Our “to do” list starts with lofty lines of great intention.

But as the days unfold, the unpredictable nature of our mix with humanity (and their own to-do’s) turns ours into scatters of meanderings, which whirlpool into our circular desk trash cans that ever ache for more.

And then there’s the more serious derailings that intersect those straight lines and shake us to the depths of our core. No wonder they are called “curveballs”.

But it doesn’t have to be this way. As these photos show, curves are a way of life – not straight lines. There’s more curves in life than straight lines. Look at how they rule nature And nature gives in and makes a thing of beauty.

Funny thing is, we create the lines. Buildings, bridges, and roads. We crave the efficiency of these. We resist the curves. Buildings with curves even unsettle us.

So rather than resist the curves of life, why not envelope yourself in them? When you make your lists, build in the curves. And rather than see them as disruption, view them as a comfort that softens your life. Receive them. As nature gives in, so should we.

Peace, Alexandria

A Tree and Me

If ents are not characters of fiction then surely their home is my backyard.

I love them deep as they are tall.

Is it folly that I talk to them? Aloud even?

I think not.

It is said that one must spend some moments of each day doing deep breathing.

Easy for me.

All I do is step outside.

“Sometimes our search for happiness takes us down a familiar street to an old address.” ~ Robert Brault

Peace, ~ Alexandria

Color Me Red! (Lens-Artists #135 “A Glimpse into My World”)


Here in the depth of winter the Lens-Artists theme is “GLIMPSE INTO MY WORLD”.  In the midst of all that is black and white around here I use this time to spice up everything in my world with my favorite color—red! Ahhh … a winter break from black and white!


Here we enjoy an absolutely gorgeous, slow autumn. Then after the leaves fall, it’s Christmas, another season where red is a standout. How wonderful the festive colors of the season spruce up and lift our spirits. Fun!

But it pained me to take down the beautiful reds of the decor.


However, to continue the journey through the bleak days of winter around here, Nandina bushes grace many yards. Green in the warm weather, they slowly transform to burnished, bright reds in the winter. And stay that way until spring, when they return to lush green.


Even more, when there’s ice or snow, this happens. The vibrant, red leaves glisten as the ice completely envelopes them, dripping like stunning jewels. Breathtaking!


And while we’re onto reds around here, another brush of red continually draws my eye through my kitchen window. After juggling the camera and ten pictures later I found this one deemed worthy. 🙂


I love all vibrant colors but red always turns my head.

From barns,


to cars,


to mums,

Magnificent Mums

to roses,


to my four-wheeler. 🙂

Capture the Mooon

I’ve even splashed it on a few walls in my home,

Christmas Gift Suggestions

and it graces my front  door. 🙂

Welcome Closer

So if you come around here, you’ll see pops of red everywhere! It’s a “country home”, all wood, and plaids, pillows, and throws. I can’t help but share the following quote:

“I’m in love with red. I think it’s such a passionate color. Every flag of every country pretty much has red in it. It’s power. There’s no fence-sitting with red. Either you love it or you don’t. I think it’s blood and strength and life. I do love red.” ~ Brian Batt 

I’m no psychoanalyst, but maybe this is why I love red.
And before I close, I can’t overlook one of the ice-enveloped leaves glistening in the shape of a beautiful heart!

Fire and Ice

So, while I’m at it, Happy Valentines! 🙂 (Another winter red holiday!)

Midwinter's Night Dream

“Nature always wears the colors of the spirit.” ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Every since WordPress closed its Weekly Photo Challenge, a group of passionate photographers began Lens-Artists. Every week there is a theme hosted by one of the founders of this group, and several guest hosts. This week’s host is Sheetalbravon, a photo blogger from India. We add a link to the photographer who hosts that week. Here is her very interesting blog post for Lens Artists using the theme “Glimpse Into Your World”. I learned a lot.

I’ve given you a small glimpse into my world and I hope you enjoy! Peace, Alexandria

Lens – Artists Challenge #135: Glimpse into your world. – Sheetalbravon (

Christmas Reflections

“Our hearts grow tender with childhood memories and love of kindred, and we are better throughout the year for having, in spirit, become a child again at Christmas-time.” ~ Laura Ingalls Wilder

“Christmas waves a magic wand over this world, and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful. ” ~ Norman Vincent Peale

“He who has not Christmas in his heart will never find it under a tree. ” ~ Roy L. Smith

“Blessed is the season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love.” ~ Hamilton Wright Mabie

“I know it doesn’t make sense, but since when is Christmas about sense, anyway? It is about a child, of long ago and far away, and it is about the child of now. In you and me. Waiting behind the door of our hearts for something wonderful to happen. A child who is impractical, unrealistic, simple-minded and terribly vulnerable to joy.” ~ Robert Fulghum, All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten


“Never worry about the size of your Christmas tree. In the eyes of children, they are all 30 feet tall” ~ Larry Wilde


“God is here. This truth should fill our lives, and every Christmas should be for us a new and special meeting with God, when we allow his light and grace to enter deep into our soul.”  ~ Josemaría Escrivá,
Christ Is Passing by

Hello Everyone,

I penned this post originally in 2012. And now I sit here, coffee in hand, early morning seven years later.
Christmas morning, and four grandsons later, marriages that added more ”children”, and I am reveling in our Christmas this year. It was indeed a beautiful sight.

I am exhausted! But …

I gaze at the empty boxes strewn at the foot of the tree. (Note: I downsized the tree but still try to stuff it to the max! 😊) And I thought I would share this moment with you. No fancy camera, just my phone, so I snapped a photo of the sight. And I recall all the smiles and laughter, especially two four-year-olds who had more fun, I think, throwing tissue paper at each other, forgetting more presents to open. Oh yeah, and ring pops!! In their little world, ring pops rule!

Then there’s the 12-year-old, the age so hard to buy for. What to get??? And what sheer delight when he received an oil paint set and easel, which far surpassed his expectations. A quick run across the room, a great big hug followed, and so many thanks.

I could write so much more but I’ll stop for now and continue to enjoy the moment! My coffee needs attention!

“For all our high and lofty talk,
We are but children heart-to-heart,
Seeking shelter from the storm,
Places safe and warm,
And love … Outrageous, messed-up, joyous, crazy love.
Just plain love. (Presents under the tree helps a lot, too.)” ~ Alexandria Sage

Merry Christmas everyone!

Wild, Reckless Reclamation

Chalk Talk
“This world is but a canvas to our imagination.” ~ Henry David Thoreau

Doesn’t it seem children have an insatiable desire to create? And don’t they provide continual delight with constant surprises of that creative urge? I can’t think of a better way to adorn a porch than with chalk.

Art in a Box
“Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up.” ~ 
Pablo Picasso

We smile and laugh. We are captivated. Enchanted.

But deep within lies a simultaneous lament, an angst that pains the delight. We look bare-faced at ourselves and realize we don’t do art like children do. We don’t dream like that. The gradual progression of life pushed and pushed, and the weight of the world gradually nudged out the child. And the dreams? Well, they drowned in the cares of life, swirled in a whirlpool down the drain.

“Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time.” ~ Thomas Merton

Creativity was meant to feed our dreams throughout life, from childhood to old age. To create an idea, to create vision, then to sing, to draw, to write, paint, build … heal. Yes, to heal. For heaven’s sake, is it not the function and privilege of art to nourish our souls, to rekindle a chord of tenderness in our heart, to keep us dreaming? To keep a continual cycle of dreaming, creating, healing.  To keep us … intact.

“The first demand any work of art makes upon us is surrender. Look. Listen. Receive. ~ C.S. Lewis

Children are risky and lavish as they create. They are not gripped with insecurity, fear, or hesitation that bounds we adults. Why are we?

A great-grandpa that knows how to stay a child and builds something delightful.

“Creativity takes courage.” ~ Henri Matisse

Should we not reclaim the artist within? As grown-ups isn’t it strange how we must be intentional this time because we have lost our natural inclination to do so? It seems the art of creating and reclaiming our childlike wonder has now become an art in and of itself. An almost lost art. Think of how we “pencil it in our schedule”. But it is so worth the effort, no matter how small.

“The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls.” ~ Pablo Picasso

After all, our Creator has the same insatiable desire. Look at the intricate beauty He presents to us everyday, everywhere—the art of heaven. We do well to imitate Him.

And chalk is a great place to start. 🙂
Peace, Alexandria

Travels and Trifles, Lens Artist Challenge #48 “Wild”

“Sea” Points of View—Lens Artist Challenge #136 “S” is for …

The sea. The place for …


Thoughts …
To contemplate … ponder … focus.

Release …
To let go … exhale … relax.

Cleansing …
To wash clean within.


Forgiveness …
You have been forgiven. Therefore, forgive.

Giving …
Gratitude … glory … praise.

Quiet …
Stillness … rest … knowing.

Filling …
To see … inhale … rejuvenate.


Receiving …
Love … grace … mercy … a new dawn.

Noise …
Breeze … waves … seagulls.

Laughter …
Children … laughter. Families … laughter. Couples … laughter.

The sea …

The place that brings out the best in all of us. ~ Alexandria Sage

“How inappropriate to call this planet Earth when it is quite clearly Ocean.” ~ Arthur C. Clarke

I am grateful for the Lens Artist community, where I show up once in awhile. And this week Patti hosted from Pilot Fish Blog titled “Subjects Starting with the Letter S). For me the “sea” came immediately to mind.
I tried to mirror some of the metaphors that I see and feel whenever I’m at the sea. I am fortunate to be able to live close and go there often. It so rejuvenates me, as nothing else.
I hope you feel some of that sense in what I have shared. EnJoy 🙂
Peace, Alexandria

Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #136: Subjects Starting with the Letter–S – P.A. Moed (

If you want to see what others are doing with this theme, I invite you to visit Amy’s blog.
As well as a few others that I really enjoyed.

Lens-Artists Photo Challenge: Starts with ‘S’ | scillagrace

November, Gift of Light

DSC_1228“It was one of those perfect English autumnal days which occur more frequently in memory than in life. The rich colours of grass and earth were intensified by the mellow light of a sun almost warm enough for spring.” ~P.D. James

DSC_1118“I like spring, but it is too young. I like summer, but it is too proud. So I like best of all autumn, because its leaves are a little yellow, its tones mellower, its colors richer, 

DSC_1102and it is tinged a little with sorrow. Its golden richness speaks not of the innocence of spring, nor of the power of summer,

DSC_1057but of the mellowness and kindly wisdom of approaching age. It knows the limitation’s of life and is content.” ~Lin Yutang

DSC_1095“The human soul is slow to discover the real excellence of things given to us by a bountiful Creator, and not until the shadows of death begin to gather around the object that we love, do we see its worth and beauty. 

DSC_1069Autumn is the dim shadow that clusters about the sweet, precious things that God has created in the realm of nature.While it robs them of life, it tears away the veil and reveals the golden gem of beauty and sweetness.

DSC_1103Beauty lurks in all the dim old aisles of nature, and we discover it at last.” ~ Northern Advocate

DSC_1154“How beautifully leaves grow old. How full of light and color are their last days.” ~ John Burroughs
Another autumn nears its end. These very brief, fleeting days find me outside more than any other time of the year. The colors are just breathtaking and I constantly fight this irresistible urge to try to capture the breadth, length, and height of it. As we know, it’s an impossibility. I know autumn means to contemplate, absorb, and enjoy the richness of  its beauty. It’s also a time of remembrance as the year draws to a close and we look back.

Autumn is such a paradox. Brilliant, glimmering. But it is truly a descent into decay and ultimately … death. It is, in essence, a progression into loss. Just like autumn, we’ve all experienced loss in some fashion this year. Perhaps God fashioned autumn so brilliant just so we could see some sort of beauty in loss. But the journey of loss always holds gain as God brings something new to replace what we lost. We won’t know what it is until we look to Him in faith and ask.

As the leaves fall, shrivel, and die some things in our lives must do the same. I’ve endured a couple of deep, unexpected losses this year. As I grieve I look to God and the glorious creation He surrounds me with and try to grasp the new blessings in my life. Just as the inclination is strong to hold and capture every photo of autumn, I cling tight to what is no more. And I have to ask God for even the faith to believe there is something better. There always is. The truth stamped in autumn tells me so.  That though the days are long and dark, that light will return, brighter than bright. Tells me there is spring.

And it’s not too far from now.

Peace, Alexandria

This is my contribution to the new Lens Artists group, which has a new theme every week. It’s been a busy year, hence, quite some time since I’ve blogged. But I hope to participate in this, since it saddened me greatly that WordPress quit it’s Weekly Photo Challenge. I’m so thankful for these few photographers who’ve continued this trend! Thank you, Tina and Amy! (I think there is one more but I can’t remember the name. Sorry!) 🙂

Share and Connect
Travels and Trifles

Joy in Weathered Space

November 2011

“There comes a time when the world gets quiet and the only thing left is your own heart. So you’d better learn the sound of it. Otherwise you’ll never understand what it’s saying.” ― Sarah Dessen, Just Listen

When I started this blog in 2011 I had no idea what I was doing. But I had a lot of things going on in life. A lot of sadness. Not due to anything done to me personally. But a lot of circumstances affecting my dearest loved ones and, I guess you could say, the way I hurt for them and tried to help them resulted in my own deep, deep sadness. Hence, I started to write.

December 2011

Every year some new tragic circumstance hit. Numerous things. Fractured relationships, unusual illness, untimely deaths, even a destructive tornado I found myself right in the middle of.

May 2013

Loss, loss, loss. Each year I prayed for quiet and each year the tsunami’s came. And all this is just a fraction of everything.

January 2012

So I created SimplySage. I needed a “happy place”. A place to find joy in the midst of all the sadness surrounding me. Combined with faith and some good friends, I found an additional place of solace here. And I poured out myself to pull out joys in my everyday surroundings. Simple things, really.

February 2012

And as I looked around my eyes opened to ways that nature mirrors some of the sad times. Then, a long-buried hobby of photography revived. And suddenly I found solace in all the beauty that surrounded me. It was as if God opened my eyes to metaphors in nature. Like the one above. In the dead of winter, there bloomed brilliant orange. Wonders like these carried me to indescribable dimensions. Many of them I could not capture. A photo could never do them justice. All I could do was stand in awe.

March 2012

But I wrote and wrote and wrote. And the storms kept coming. And each year I’d wonder “what next?”

April 2012

Then 2017 hit. And guess what. It was a good year. Actually, an amazingly wonderful year. Yes, the bumps and nicks still came but it seemed to be nothing that absolutely cut you to the heart. And there was a lot of love and joy in 2017. Blessings beyond imagination! Laughter returned and filled every part of my life.

But something else happened.

May 2012

I kinda quit writing.

I guess in all the joy and laughter I was just soaking it all up, And I just kept doing that. Soaking it all in. It was, in a sense, a healing balm to me. Yes, there are some scars left from all the troubled years. Some sadness still trickles in as I ponder all the pain. But I guess I needed a break. To just rest in all of it.

It was wonderful.

June 2012

I could sit here and wish and hope for another year like 2017. But there may never be a year like that again. And if there’s not, a few big lessons stay with me as the storms blow in. Here are just a few:

  • There is no one like the Lord, God of heaven and earth, whom you can cry out to from your heart every minute of the day.
  • There is nothing like the comfort and truth in His Holy Word, the Bible.
  • There is nothing like His marvelous creation.
  • There is nothing like a few close, loving friends and family.
  • Deep down, people are fragile, and are fighting battles within and without. It’s important to understand why they act like they do; and still be kind.
  • There is nothing like the kisses and hugs and sounds of children.
  • There is nothing like gratitude for so many things we take for granted.
  • There is nothing like a nutritious healthy meal and a good, silent walk.
  • Joy can be found anywhere, anytime. All one needs to do is look; and be still enough to enjoy it.

As to writing and this blog? Of course, I will continue! Not making any promises, but I will be here. I thank you, my community of readers, for being here. I don’t take your visits lightly. I don’t equate you in terms of “traffic, stats, or bots”. You are friends. And a part of the joy in all the pain.  I welcome you always.

2017, Best Photo

And as for 2017, for now I say, farewell.  I will never forget you.


Weekly Photo Challenges:


2017 Favorites


Wrapped in Pink Silk


It was a day like any other. Dawn.


First things first: Put on the coffee, dog out, blinds up–which wakes up the cat; thus, feed the cat. Pour first cup. Turn and watch. Astonishing.

Fog threads spin across the field.

A few minutes pass and something new comes with the rise. Spinning threads; a blush, then a pink. A soft, silken, baby pink.

And it was gone in five minutes.

A glimpse of glory. God’s gift, wrapped in blush, silken garments. So serene. Lovely.

EnJoy 😊



Once, We Were Young

“Two golden hours somewhere between sunrise and sunset. Both are set with 60 diamond minutes.” ~ Horace Mann

As another autumn (and another birthday) are upon me, and as I face the daily blows of life, this is always a time of reflection of who I am, where I’ve been, and how I am to face my next year of life. 

I finish the year attending to important deadlines and mail that piled up over summer. I try to stuff the idea of the holidays for now, as I’m just not quite ready. 

When I feel particularly burdened about something, I remember how easy it was when I was a child. And I yearn to go back there.

And it’s dawns on me how little of life is spent during those wondrous years.

What is it about being a child that’s so wonderful? The laughter, the chatter, the sheer delight of everything! Think of it. Their smiles, great big hugs, and very wet kisses! Their unconditional love. Their close bonds with family; aunts and uncles, cousins, grandparents. The humor. Their innocence. Their nonsense! It’s all so magical and enchanting.

We were all children once. And then one day we woke up and began that rocky trip to adulthood called “adolescence”.

I remember that time. I was not ready at all and I didn’t want to let go. I distinctly remember the summer that spending untold hours in my best friend’s pool no longer captivated us. Instead, we started sitting around just “talking’ by the pool, rather than playing in the pool. I remember feeling so sad about that. My friend and I even discussed it because we didn’t understand why. It didn’t take long to figure it out. But still, we were very sad to see our carefree days slip away so fast.

And adulthood stayed; it never transitioned into another stage. For me, it swiftly outlived its welcome.

Plus, I discovered that we are adults for the majority of our life. And we are adults the rest of our lives. As we constantly deal with the blows and stressors of the adult years, how much do we look back and long for those days as children?

Yes, at times we thought they were dreadful; like when mom and dad said no to candy. (What could be worse!) Or how we couldn’t trudge through the house after building a snowman. And vegetables … ugh! Those vegetables! As adults we laugh at the perplexity of those “problems”, don’t we?

It’s so short … childhood. And adulthood … it’s so long … and so serious.

The thought struck me about those two golden hours—how the sun gets to beam and glow, even finger-paint and watercolor—the sun gets to play just like a child. Everyday. For two solid hours! Morning and night.

I wish during those two hours—sunrise and sunset, that we could become children again, for real.

Just two hours! But can you imagine, just imagine, what would happen in this serious world of adulthood?

Think about it. In some places it would be absolutely hilarious; others, a complete disaster! No, we couldn’t do that, of course!

But at sunrise and again, at sunset, could we not use those times as markers to get our attention, to cultivate an hour to release the cares and seriousness of adult life. And just glow

Maybe we can’t just abandon our post in life to utter nonsense and irresponsibility. But maybe we can let go of life’s burdens for a bit. Maybe stop and just enjoy that golden hour, even for a little while. Smile. Laugh. Release ourselves inside, for a moment, to utter nonsense!

Like a child.

Once, we were young. Can we not be again?

Photo Credits: The spectacular orange Indonesian sunset goes to my friend and guest author, Stephen Deal. Probably one of the most beautiful I’ve ever seen. Thank you, Steve!


Why Is Your Structure Such?

You fascinate me.

I don’t know you. Don’t know much about you, actually. I know the monarchs; so regal, vibrant. The little yellow ones—fleeting, quick. But I’ve never seen you.

As I chored about the yard, I caught glimpses of you. And I thought, you’re different. What unusual beauty. Such graceful movements.


So dark. Dark as a moonless night. Dark as a storm front. Dark as deep ocean.

But such a comforting dark. There’s a softness about you. Why is your structure such?

When your lovely flight pattern stopped, I moved closer. You didn’t fly away. It looked as if you waited, and actually posed for me. Your dark was then so beautiful. The rust tinge. The white. The astonishing scallops. And then that lovely shade of blueness. Black and blue. Oh, why is your structure such!

Why did God make a black and blue butterfly??

I’m not exactly sure but I thank Him. For because of beautiful creatures like you, I see the blackest of my days and the blueness in my soul are still tinged with color, and pure white, even if there’s a touch of rust around the edges. Like a lot of things in my life.

If I would just be still; and take notice.

You dawned my day with your dark.

And perhaps that is why your structure is such.

Oh, I know you won’t be around for long. Your life is sadly very brief.

And I may never see you again. But I’m glad we’ve met. 

And I’m glad of the structure that is you.

This is my contribution to the Weekly Photo Challenge with the themes “Structure” and “Waiting.” We don’t typically see black swallowtails around here but this year we’ve seen several. These were some of the thoughts that came to me as I observed and enjoyed them. I hope you enjoy as well. 🙂


Still Friends After All These Years


“To get the full value of joy you must find someone to divide it with.” ~ Mark Twain

Young Friends

“Friendship arises out of mere companionship when two or more of the companions discover that they have in common some insight or interest or even taste which others do not share and which, till that moment, each believed to be his own unique treasure (or burden).

The Sea, One of our Favorite Spots

The typical expression of opening friendship would be something like, What? You too? I thought I was the only one!


… It is when two such persons discover one another, when, whether with immense difficulties and semi-articulate fumblings or with what would seem to us amazing and elliptical speed, they share their vision – it is then that friendship is born.

And instantly they stand together …

Two Solitudes

in an immense solitude.” ~ C.S. Lewis, The Four Loves”

Missing You

“You are still my friend. That in itself is a tremendous thing. I wove my webs for you because I liked you. After all, what’s a life, anyway? We’re born, we live a little while, we die. A spider’s life can’t help being something of a mess, with all this trapping and eating flies. By helping you, perhaps I was trying to lift up my life a trifle. Heaven knows anyone’s life can stand a little of that.”

~ Charlotte, Charlotte’s Web by E.B. White

Soul Friends
“How we need another soul to cling to.” ~ Sylvia Plath

This is my entry for the Weekly Photo Challenge.  The theme is “friend”. I chose to interpret it in a metaphoric manner. To encapsulate that word in one photo would be impossible for me. Where do I begin??

So this post is in honor of my own wonderful world of life-long friends; who’ve clung to my soul, despite all my quirks and failures, good times and trying times. Thank you. I love you. You are life’s greatest gifts.

Credit to Stephanie Goddard for the first photo. Capturing these four friends mid-air with such clarity is a photographer’s dream. And Stephanie does it so well. How well I remember jumping off these very cliffs in my own life with friends such as these. For more of Stephanie’s fine work visit White Horse Photography  You will not be disappointed.


Moon ShadowsMoon Shadows

“Shadow is the obstruction of light. Shadows appear to me to be of supreme importance in perspective,

German FogSun Shadows

because, without them opaque and solid bodies will be ill-defined;

1-IMG_2533Cinderella Shadows

That which is contained within their outlines and their boundaries themselves

1-IMG_7343(1)Snow Shadows

will be ill-understood unless they are shown against a background

dLong Shadows

of a different tone from themselves.” ~ Leonardo da Vinci

Shadow Friends

“Friendship is the shadow of the evening, which increases with the setting sun of life.” ~ Jean de La Fontaine

Tree Shadow

“The true work of art is but a shadow of the divine perfection.” ~ Michelangelo

Morning WalkMe Shadow 🙂

“Keep your face always toward the sunshine, and shadows fall behind you.” ~ Walt Whitman


This is my contribution to the Weekly Photo Challenge theme of “Shadow”. I hope you enjoyed. 🙂 Click here for more interpretations.

Christmas Reflections

“Our hearts grow tender with childhood memories and love of kindred, and we are better throughout the year for having, in spirit, become a child again at Christmas-time.” ~ Laura Ingalls Wilder


“Christmas waves a magic wand over this world, and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful. ” ~ Norman Vincent Peale


“He who has not Christmas in his heart will never find it under a tree. ” ~ Roy L. Smith


“Blessed is the season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love.” ~ Hamilton Wright Mabie


 “I know it doesn’t make sense, but since when is Christmas about sense, anyway? It is about a child, of long ago and far away, and it is about the child of now. In you and me. Waiting behind the door of our hearts for something wonderful to happen. A child who is impractical, unrealistic, simple-minded and terribly vulnerable to joy.” ~ Robert Fulghum, All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten

“For all our high and lofty talk,
We are but children heart-to-heart,
Seeking shelter from the storm,
Places safe and warm,
And love … Outrageous, messed-up, joyous, crazy love.
Just plain love. (Presents under the tree helps a lot, too.)” ~ Alexandria Sage


“Never worry about the size of your Christmas tree. In the eyes of children, they are all 30 feet tall” ~ Larry Wilde


“God is here. This truth should fill our lives, and every Christmas should be for us a new and special meeting with God, when we allow his light and grace to enter deep into our soul.”  ~ Josemaría Escrivá,
Christ Is Passing by
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The Green-Eyed Ninja


He came right to my door, yes he did.


As he circled, I froze at such weaponry! Was I friend or foe?


Before I could speak the eyes stared me down. Green eyes! Green eyes staring at me! And he reached for his swords.


Again, I froze. What next!! What was to become of me!


Swashbuckling about, I knew something about him was familiar. Those green eyes…those deep, green eyes.


Staring at me. And at last my mind cleared with recognition!


photo credit: Emily K. Morgan (

I’d know those green eyes anywhere!


photo credit: Chris Lymberis

I just never knew he was the mysterious warrior known as the Green-Eyed Ninja!

This Weekly Photo Challenge theme this week is “Transmogrify”.  I’d never heard this word before. It means to “change in appearance or form, especially strangely or magically; transform.”. So I chose these photos of the dashing Green-Eyed Ninja that showed up at my doorstep last year. And little did I know my grandson was a super-hero by night!

I thought it fit the theme well. And yes, indeed, he does have beautiful deep green eyes! 🙂

Happy Halloween!


photo credit: Emily K. Morgan (

This week’s post features two photos by Emily K. Morgan; the two with my grandson in the bow tie. Emily is a photographer from Los Angeles and is known for exceptional creativity as well as technical skills. She captures her subjects beautifully but also captures the emotion and energy of every event. Her wedding photography is absolutely stunning and I hope to share more of her work on future posts. I highly recommend you look at her portfolio at

My Local Artist

This week I’m featuring the photography of my favorite local photographer.
(Be sure to turn up your screen brightness for these.)

Hello There

His chosen profession is law enforcement. He’s one of those gems—giving out more warnings than tickets, soft-spoken, oh-so-witty, and just plain smart. But there’s a little known fact about this tough-looking officer.


He’s a natural born artist.

Star Blanket img_7352

The story goes that at age two, he drew a detailed sketch of a train that was shockingly accurate. It’s true. I’ve seen the picture.

A Room with a View img_7354In school, he didn’t exactly draw. Or color. He “sketched”. He turned down crayons and insisted on colored pencils and by fifth grade started a new trend. According to his art teacher, all the kids wanted colored pencils! They thought if they had colored pencils they could “sketch” like him!

Show Me the Way img_7355

Thinking he was headed for a career in art, in middle school he took up the piano. (By now, I think you know this police officer-artist is none other than my son.) 🙂

Unexpected Bloom

Until I could find a piano teacher I quickly gave him a “Pattern Piano” DVD instruction set. He watched a bit and I distinctly remember his voice, “I think I got this figured out.” And off he ran to the piano.


It seemed in no time, he was playing beautifully, without lessons. I’m not sure he ever finished the DVD’s. He still plays to this day; and it’s lovely.

River Dusk

Then he did the same with guitar, as well as singing and harmonizing. No joke.


He took up photography in high school and was off taking pictures of everything, finding the beauty in the small and unnoticed.


And this week he upgraded his camera—big-time I’d say!—and has been out and about, capturing the local countryside. These are some of the results and I will let you be the judge. But I think they are stunning. Click on each one for a fuller view. It’s definitely worth it!

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I know it sounds like I’m exaggerating but I’m truly not. Just ask his sisters! All full of sugar and spice, they are pure sweetness. They’re smart and artistic, too, but they admit, without hesitation, their brother’s artistic gifts confound them. Of course, they’re not shy about telling anyone either!

This is my contribution to the Weekly Photo Challenge with the theme “Local“, featuring the photography of my own local artist, my dear son. I’m glad he’s out taking pictures because my life’s been a bit full as of late. He might fill in for me a bit but I don’t think you’ll be disappointed. At all! 🙂


Lost in the Details

DSC_3496“Wherever you are, be all there.” ~ Jim Elliot

Life is made of a myriad of moments, a multitude of details. It’s so easy to be overwhelmed with all the big stuff of life that we overlook the fine-tuned details that surround us. I’m sharing a few little details I captured, most of which I walk past everyday.

The Observer“The true secret of happiness lies in taking a genuine interest in all the details of daily life.” ~ William Morris

I’m glad these things vie for my attention because they have a way of actually getting it, catching my eye, making me stop … and take a moment.

Autumn Hydrangea
“After all, it is those who have a deep and real inner life who are best able to deal with the irritating details of outer life.” ~ Evelyn Underhill

“All the details of life and the quirks and the friendships can be laid out for us, but the mystery of their writing remains.No amount of documentation, however fascinating, can take us there.” ~V.S. Naipaul


Whatever moment you are in today, whether joy or pain—never dismiss the moment, the detail of your very place.  When you think about it, the only moment that truly exists is the one you are in right now.  So stop and hold onto it for a moment.


Some moments are times to embrace and absorb joy. For the difficult moments we need to receive love from sane, safe friends and family. It’s okay to not always be the giver or to have all the answers or to have everything together.

Cherish the good moments, learn from the difficult. I found the following drawing and thought it details the true reality of life. May it bring a smile to your face as it did mine.

 I hope it increases your joy as you trek your own crooked path. 🙂


“If we take care of the moments, the years will take care of themselves.” ~ Maria Edgeworth


This is my contribution to the Photo Challenge theme,   “Details”.

Curve Around the World


“There is something particularly special and personal about the circle and how its curves comfortable rule every aspect of our lives.” ~ Kat Kahr, Parallelism of Cyclicality


In choosing photos for this week’s photo challenge with the theme  “Curve” I’m featuring some favorites from the past. They include photos by Dan Pope, Stephanie Goddard, Stephen Deal, and yours truly. I’d appreciate if you’d explore the links. It helps me as I test my new .live domain.
Thanks and do EnJoy. 🙂


Be Thou the Rainbow
“Be thou the rainbow in the storms of life. The evening beam that smiles the clouds away, and tints tomorrow with prophetic ray.” ~ Lord Byron

Rome Day 3 258-005

The Master Speaks
“A chief event of life is the day in which we have encountered a mind that startled us.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson


“Love moves in sync with the cadence of forgiveness, sings in tune with the melody of acceptance, and dances in rhythm with the music of companionship.” ~ Steve Maraboli


Friendship Formulae
“To get the full value of joy you must find someone to divide it with.” ~ Mark Twain 

A Cupful of Friend

The Beauty of a True Friend
“You have been my friend. That in itself is a tremendous thing. I wove my webs for you because I liked you. After all, what’s a life, anyway? We’re born, we live a little while, we die. A spider’s life can’t help being something of a mess, with all this trapping and eating flies. By helping you, perhaps I was trying to lift up my life a trifle. Heaven knows anyone’s life can stand a little of that.” ~ Charlotte, Charlotte’s Web by E.B. White


“Life forms illogical patterns. It is haphazard and full of beauties which I try to catch as they fly by, for who knows whether any of them will ever return?” ~ Margot Fonteyn

Purely Summer

Wash Over Me 20130905-202159.jpg


With summer in full swing here, I’m going to change things up a bit. Increased family demands and just loving the outdoors has nudged out any time for writing so I’m taking a break from it this summer.

Evening Blush DSC01436[1]

Evening Blush

But with the camera as a welcome part of the demands I’ll be sharing more photos.

Arrival of Morn DSC01212[1]

Arrival of Morn

I’m trying to take part in the Weekly Photo Challenge hosted by WordPress, my blog platform. But I hope to share in-between as well. The writing will be brief, three-hundred words or less. After all, I’m sure you have plenty of other summer reading to do!

Fire over Water

Fire over Water

For this week’s Challenge, the theme is “Pure“. My mind went several directions until I finally settled on some photos of the ocean. Since the beach is my “go-to” place to purify my heart, I thought I’d share some favorites. Be sure to turn your device to landscape to capture the full purity of the views. Makes a difference! 😊

Zoom for a closer look. Turn phone to side

Dawn. Crisp, Clear. Pure.  Zoom in to see a crescent moon. Stunning!

Storm over Water

Storm over Water

Then there’s the storms and artistry of clouds. So settling. Cleansing!

Wind over Water

Wind over Water

The breezes gently sweep and scatter all the busyness that inhabits my mind. It clears the clutter and tidies up my heart and with renewed clarity, I can focus on what’s really important.


Pure Morning

I am swept clean! Purified!

I hope you’ll enjoy my upcoming summer “short series”.

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Let’s have some summer fun!

But most of all, have a fun summer! 🙂

More soon,

P.S. SimplySage is in transition. It’s gone from to to  It takes several weeks for search engines to re-index my site so I’m kind of lost in internet space right now. The .me and .org do not work.
I’ll spare all the reasons. If I explain I’ll go way beyond three-hundred words! 🙂

For other interpretation of “Pure”, click here.

Jubilant Community

Jubilant Spring 1-IMG_5807

The Weekly Photo Challenge theme this week is “Jubilant“.  I’m sharing the abundant flowering of a clematis I bought three years ago at WalMart. In its first year it had less than five blooms.

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Thinking it wasn’t feeling too much at home here, I nestled it among good things; roses, lilies, shrubs. I gave it the proper light and good old-fashioned fertilizer. And I remained … waiting.


In gardening of any kind there is so much waiting!

In its second summer it was just a scraggly green bush. Cute. But so shy! And so I waited another year.

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And it finally opened up!

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And blossomed unimaginable!


 No more shyness. No more hesitation.

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 In fact, as the quote says, it is a perpetual astonishment. We are nearing June and it’s full of buds.


The vine is branching out beyond. But it’s still connected to home. Through the wind and rain it’s held tight.

Reaching 5791

It’s all become its own little community. The vine gently weaves a pattern with the flowers. Together they reside. Yet the tender flowers are never destroyed. Nor is the vine ever suffocated by the broad, expansive flower.


Look how they cling to each other as good friends. Neighbors. Caring for, looking out for each other. And the seed pods are so abundant that next year I’ll need to add another trellis. This community is growing! Good neighbors do that.


Good neighbors promote growth. And speaking of neighbors …


What ever happened to being a good neighbor? Watching out for, protecting, sharing, loving, being kind?

Different, but dwelling together?

Whatever happened to “community”? Real community. Real people rubbing shoulders with real people. In the earlier photo, the clematis is neighbors with the lilies, roses, and shrubs. All different. But look how beautiful together.

Today there are all these “online communities” and believe me, I’m all for them.

Wild Child 1-IMG_5783

But sometimes I wonder if we’ve forgotten how to be with real people. We sit in our temperature-controlled environment and pluck away on the keyboard or our smartphones and call it community.

And another thing I see as I scroll through social media is how easily it is to be unkind. Words filled with so much venom. I wonder would they be that way if they were face-to-face?

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Somehow, I think not.

There’s an abundance of words and opinions nowadays. And I am definitely a free-speech warrior. But imagine the human—the actual real live person. Think about your words before you type. And work toward a jubilant display such as this. Nurturing beyond just existence. Nurturing to grow.

Good neighbors.

Opening 1-IMG_5766

Can we not do this? Whether online or in person, is it so hard to do?

Peace, Alexandria