LoveSong | WPC: Companionable

“Love moves in sync with the cadence of forgiveness,

sings in tune with the melody of acceptance,

and dances in rhythm with the music of companionship.” ~ Steve Maraboli

This is one of my interpretations for the Weekly Photo Challenge with the theme: Companionable.
I think we all love the movements of music and I thought this quote was a beautiful metaphor for love and companionship. In life we have the universal need for forgiveness, acceptance, and companionship. Our movements to find these can lead us down different paths but the need still remains. As we seek to find and receive them, may we also seek to extend them. For in extending them to others, we find they will shower upon us as well.
Peace, Alexandria

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  1. The quote is as beautiful as the photos. Two flowers were a perfect choice; suggesting a feeling of companionship. I really appreciate thinking out of the box! I have been very focused on taking pictures of my husband and/or dogs. But your idea is brilliant!

    • Nature has built-in metaphors that speak volumes about our humanity. I have my share of pet photos, to be sure, but I confess I did want another direction. I’m glad you liked the direction and I so appreciate your detailed comments. Thanks so much.

  2. Beautiful post SS. Love the quote weaving thru.

  3. I must say, I appreciate your take on ‘companionable.’ The images of the flowers, side by side, coexisting comfortably, are soothing somehow. They seem to me to be like a long married couple who wake, work, play, dine, and sleep in harmony. Very inspiring. Thank you.

  4. pattisj

     /  July 1, 2013

    Very nicely done!

  5. niki

     /  July 19, 2013

    Fantastic images and colors !

  1. Weekly Photo Challenge / B4 Retouch: C ompaniable (Pétanque) | What's (in) the picture?
  2. Weekly Photo Challenge: Companionable | blogagaini
  3. Summers, Sunsets And Companionship | this man's journey
  4. Weekly Photo Challenge: Companionable « Brooklyn Locavore
  5. Photography: Companionables – 3 | Bastet and Sekhmet
  6. Books, dogs and that Sunday morning feeling | Ireland, Multiple Sclerosis & Me
  7. Weekly Photo Challenge – Companionable | Joe's Musings
  8. Through the Years | Curve Around the World | SimplySage

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