The Master Speaks | Masterpiece: Eye of the Beholder

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“A chief event of life is the day in which we have encountered a mind that startled us.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

No thoughts nor words. Chills. I stood frozen, trying to maintain composure. I stifled a choked lump in my throat, but I couldn’t stop the tears that filled my eyes, then meandered down my cheeks.


“The true work of art is but a shadow of the divine perfection.” ~ Michelangelo

Still freshly astonished at churches, ancient structures, the Vatican Museum, and Sistine Chapel, I expected more of the same. But nothing prepared me as I stepped through the door of St. Peter’s Basilica. So unexpected. Unimaginable. My breath escaped, and I filled with wonder, How could anyone create beauty of such magnitude? And who were these creators? Even more, why?

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This was greatness of another dimension. For a few moments I became wordless, thoughtless. Then the vacuum that occupied my mind and heart at that moment became filled with a tenderness, a sweet gentility, a touch. A touch of … love.

But it was love unleashed.

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“All the masterpieces of art contain both light and shadow. A happy life is not one filled with only sunshine, but one which uses both light and shadow to produce beauty.” ~ Billy Graham

Grand, spacious love in a pinnacle masterpiece. Love that was enough … for everyone. You could see love–painted, sculpted, flowing, flourishing in every square inch of rock solid marble. But why? The question haunted.

These were masters of another kind.

Rome Day 3 262“Painting is poetry that is seen rather than felt, and poetry is painting that is felt rather than seen.” ~ Leonardo da Vinci

I know the history behind the excesses of some of the pope’s as well as how artist’s squabble.  But these artist’s stretched above and beyond any earthly demands or human frailty to something deeper. Isn’t it like God to use imperfect people to magnify Himself? Perhaps even they didn’t understand why. They just unleashed it all.

Rome Day 3 260And this timeless structure was like a soul connection to God Himself—a love intent on touching earth with heaven. They were light-years ahead of their time–visionaries. Could they envision me standing there today, losing my breath, tears streaming down my face, asking the question, “Why?”


“I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free.” ~ Michelangelo

This place was elegant, tasteful, immense, grandiose. As the earth spun gracefully around the sun, the beams cast changing rays in a delightful show of light and shadow. Science and art merged to exquisite perfection. Intentional. This was no cold stone ancient relic.

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It was soft, warm, alive … welcoming. It was as if every stroke, cut, and design were destined way into the future. For today. For everyone. For this day. For me.

DSC00318The place was filled with people, families, children and babies, but there was a hush, a reverence. An awe. All eyes looked up. For in the confines of walls, these masters harnessed but a small glimpse of the Master of all.

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And I, an honored guest, could hear His voice, whispering soft. “Welcome. Come in. Just enjoy.”

“Every beauty which is seen here by persons of perception resembles more than anything else that celestial source from which we all come.” ~ Michelangelo

All photography {except #9 (that’s mine with a Cybershot)} is by Dan Pope of Precise Photography, based in Arlington, Texas. These photos are completely unedited, with exception of cropping Pietà, of which no one can get that close enough to photograph. See Dan’s website and browse a few of his Galleries for a phenomenal portfolio. My husband and I enjoyed a trip to Rome with the Pope’s as we both celebrated anniversaries. Dan has a big heart and an engaging sense of humor and makes friends with everyone he meets, including the Swiss Guard! He teased about how “the Pope” had come to visit Rome. Good thing Italians have a great sense of humor.

Peace, Alexandria

“When love and skill work together, expect a masterpiece.” ~ John Ruskin
Some of my favorites on this Challenge:

Sejeong Production
Postcard Photo
Blessings Through Raindrops
Chronicles of Illusion

Am submitting this as well to the Work of Art Photo Challenge from June 2014

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  1. Lovely post Alexandria and a nice nod for Dan’s work! St. Peters is indeed magnificent and a great choice for the challenge!

    • Thanks, Tina. It was so nice to take in the sights with a professional photographer along. As a gesture of kindness he sent me all his CD’s from the trip. It was hard to pare down, as you can see!

  2. In addition to the amazing photos, the quotes are amazing as well. I loved the one from Billy Graham about sunlight and shadows.

    • Me too. He may be no artist but he sure brings heaven to earth in another fashion,right? Thank you for such kind remarks.

  3. Exquisite post for the masterpiece theme! Thank you so much, Alexandra!

  4. St. Peter’s truly is one of the masterpieces of the world. My contribution to the challenge was a photo of the Pieta as well!

    • No words can speak and no camera can capture its beauty. Aren’t you glad we got to see it for real? So beautiful.

  5. Truly a masterpiece, gorgeous and the masterpiece of the Roman Catholic church
    I would like to invite you to join us for Travel Photo Mondays, the link runs the whole week so I hope you can join us?

  6. Jaw dropping. Precious. Awe inspiring.

  7. pattisj

     /  August 2, 2013

    It’s hard to imagine the amount of time and effort that go into these creations.

  8. Lovely images (great job, Dan!) and you so beautifully expressed the emotions that come along when walking into such grandeur! You took me back to my first visit in 1995 : ) Thanks for the smile!

  1. Weekly Photo Challenge: Masterpieces | patriciaddrury
  2. Weekly Photo Challenge: Masterpiece | blogagaini
  3. Weekly Photo Challenge – Masterpiece | Joe's Musings
  4. Daily Prompt: Eye of the Beholder | Chronicles of an Anglo Swiss
  5. Daily Prompt: Eye of the Beholder | My Atheist Blog
  6. Ireland: a masterpiece | Ireland, Multiple Sclerosis & Me
  7. Through the Years | Curve Around the World | SimplySage

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